Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014: Classwork,Homework & Notifications

March 10, 2014:  Language Arts:  Students took a pre-spelling test for this week's test on Friday.  Students made a journal entry and vocabulary entry in their journal. I will be collecting journals next week. Students were introduced to two additional root words.  Students reviewed lesson 79 and 80 in Simple Solutions workbook.  Students were introduced four vocabulary words for this week's chapter 14-17, "Number the Stars," novel.

  • Write missed spelling 5 times each
  • Study first 15 root words, vocabulary and spelling for test on Friday
  • Book report "The Great Wall," page 390 is due on Friday.  Follow format given in class
Please return progress reports.

ISAT testing resumes tomorrow.  Please make sure you are here and on time.

Thank you,
Mrs. Muir

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